Festival shop at Rindermarkt

In the Ruffinihaus | Rindermarkt 10

Opening of the festival shop:
Tuesday 15.10. | 6 pm

Opening hours
Tuesday 15.10. | 6 pm Shop opening with cold drinks
Wednesday 16.10. | 14-19.30
Thursday 17.10. | 14-19.30, 18-19 h Warm-Up
Friday 18.10. | 14-19.30, 18-19 h warm-up
Saturday 19.10. | 10 am - 7.30 pm
Sunday 20.10. and Monday 21.10. closed
Tuesday 22.10. | 14-19.30, 18-19 Warm-Up
Wednesday 23.10. | 14-19.30, 18-19 Warm-Up
Thursday 24.10. | 2-7.30 pm, 6-7 pm warm-up
Friday 25.10. | 10 am - 7.30 pm, 2 pm - 6 pm open arts and crafts programme
Saturday 26.10. | 10-19.30 hrs
Sunday 27.10. | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Festival closing with breakfast to bring along

For all | free admission


Who has ever looked at the world from the perspective of a megaphone? And what would you want from a big magical fish? A discovery for festival newcomers, old puppet theatre fans and anyone who needs a break from the hustle and bustle of the city centre: Directly on the Rindermarkt, very close to Marienplatz, there is a wondrous shop this year where there is nothing to buy, but lots to admire and experience instead. 38 things represent 38 plays that want to be admired, questioned and discovered and provide a different approach to the festival programme: surprising, informative, cheerful and knowledgeable.

In the Wunder. Laden you can get in the mood for the theatre evening with a drink. Or pop in after the outdoor performances ‘Headspace’ and ‘Animaltroniek’. We are looking forward to it!


For all people who want to engage more intensively with the plays beyond watching them. The warm-up invites you to experiment with simple, theatre-specific exercises relating to the content of the play.
Participation is possible without registration and prior knowledge, as well as without subsequent attendance at the performance.

15.10. 6-7 p.m.
Shop opening

Thursday 17.10. 6-7pm
What is this human animal doing there? Ever since man has called himself man, he has been asking what that actually means. Is he making a monkey of himself?
Join in for the guest performance STEP, Schauburg 8pm

Friday 18.10. 6-7pm
What is this so-called holiday? What associations do we have and how can we visualise them?
Take part in the guest performance MELANCHOLIE DES TOURISTEN, Pathos 8 pm

Tuesday 22.10. 6-7pm & 23.10. 6-7pm
How much theatre is in the material before it is ready for the stage? In the interaction with paper, plastic and perhaps even polystyrene, theatrical moments can be found that we are on to.
Take part in the guest performance MATERIA, 8 pm HochX

Thursday 24.10. 6-7 pm
A stage can be filled with the simplicity of the body. We deal with movement theatre, with gestures and movements.
Take part in the guest performance ALLES/NICHTS, 8 pm Schwere Reiter

Friday 25.10. 2-6 pm
Using paper, pens and old newspapers, we will transform small cardboard boxes into cosmic worlds of their own
Tinker along to the guest performance HEADSPACE at Rindermarkt

Concept ideas: Gesine Allmann, Antonia-Sophie Grahmann, Jonas Hirner, Marlene Marek, Kyra Niehus-Staab, Carlotta Richter, Louisa Sausner, Teresa Schmitt, Nazanin Toufaninezhad, Anran Xu (Studierende am Institut für Theaterwissenschaft der LMU München)

Final conception: Lisa Maya Herz, Toni Müßgens
Mit Unterstützung des Kompetenzteams Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft der Landeshauptstadt München

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